Template for Review Article

Title page



Title of the article in English  

Authors’ name and last name in English 1

1 Position, place of work, city, country. E-mail; ORCID


Title of the article in Kazakh

Authors’ name and patronymic in Kazakh 1

1 Position, place of work, city, country in Kazakh. E-mail; ORCID


Title of the article in Russian

Authors’ name and patronymic in Russian 1

1 Position, place of work, city, country in Russian. E-mail; ORCID



Corresponding author: Authors’ name and patronymic, position, place of work, city, country in English.

Postal code:








Review article




Title of the article in English


Abstract (Volume of the abstract is not less than 300 words)

Abstract of review articles is prepared in the form of one paragraph that includes information about relevance of selected topic. The abstract must not contain abbreviated words.

Keywords: (When selecting of key words authors must use Medical Subject Headings (Index Medicus).


Title of the article in Kazakh



Түйін сөздер:


Title of the article in Russian



Ключевые слова:


Text of review articles includes introduction, main part structured on subsections with titles and conclusions.


Introduction. For the introduction in the journal, the format of the model C.A.R.S. (Create a Research Space), according to which you need to: (i) designate the territory and emphasize the relevance of the chosen topic; (ii) point out the knowledge gap and raise the issue; (iii) form an aim.

Aim of the review:


Title of the section

Review article can have multiple sections. At the end of each section, you need to draw independent conclusions. Sections of a review article may contain tables and / or figures.



Conclusions should be connected to the aim of the article and drawn up in a single paragraph. Conclusions must contain qualified statements.


Conflict of interests. Authors must declare the presence / absence of a conflict of interest. If there is a conflict of interest, the first author must complete a Conflict of interest application form.

Acknowledgements. Authors can complete this section if necessary. Acknowledgements go to the organizations where the research was carried out; individuals who participated in the work on the article, but are not its authors.

Funding. At funding of the research result of which are presented in the article authors must indicate the source of funding.

Author contributions. It is an essential section of a manuscript. In this section it is necessary to indicate contribution (intellectual input) of each author during the work on the article.


The Editorial Staff of the Journal recommends Authors to use the Template for the original article when preparing the manuscript.


Example of section completion:

Conceptualization – G.О.; methodology – А.S.; examination– G.О.; formal analysis– G.О., Zh.S. and B.А.; writing (original draft preparation) – G.О.; writing (review and edition) – Zh.S.

All authors have read, agreed to release version of a manuscript and signed the Author’s right transfer form.



  1. Authors. Title of the article. Title of the journal. Year of issue; volume (number of issue): first page of the article – last page of the article. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ptsp.2020.01.006.


Example of execution of English source:

  1. Pennella A.R., Ragonese A. Health professionals and COVID-19 pandemic: Heroes in a new war? Journal of Health and Social Sciences, 2020; 5(2): 169-176. https://doi.org/10.19204/2020/hlth2.


Example of execution of Russian source with transliteration:

  1. Ярашева А.В., Александрова О.А., Медведева Е., Аликперова Н.В. и др. Проблемы и перспективы кадрового обеспечения московского здравоохранения // Экономические и социальные перемены: факты, тенденции, прогноз. – 2020. – Т.13. – №1. - С.204 114.https://doi.org/10.15838/esc.2020.1.67.10.

Jarasheva A.V., Aleksandrova O.A., Medvedeva E., Alikperova N.V. i dr. Problemy i perspektivy kadrovogo obespechenija moskovskogo zdravoohranenija (Problems and Prospects of Staffing for Moscow Healthcare) [in Russian]. Jekonomicheskie i social'nye peremeny: fakty, tendencii, prognoz. 2020; 13 (1): 204 114.https://doi.org/10.15838/esc.2020.1.67.10.


Example of execution of a link to the website:

  1. Committee on Publication Ethics (СОРЕ). Website. [Cited 23 Dec 2020]. Available from URL: https://publicationethics.org/about/our-organisation.


Example of execution of a link to regulatory act:

  1. Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On People's Health and Healthcare System": dated July 7, 2020, № 360-VI ЗРК. Available from URL: https://adilet.zan.kz/eng/docs/K2000000360.


When carrying out transliteration, please use the website https://translit.net/. You must select LC transliteration format.


Рисунок Figure 1.Title of the figure


Table 1. Title of the table










